The Secrets to Bigger Tips

Give yourself a raise!

Originally the title of this article was going to be “Owning” your section – as in running it as if it were your own little restaurant. Like you I thought it might be to long and may not grab your attention. But I’m sure “Give yourself a raise” did the trick and got you here.

What do the titles have in common you ask? We all want to make more money and we know the boss isn’t going to give us a raise over the measly $2.13 we already earn. So how do we give ourselves a raise?

Simply by taking over ownership of the section/station we work in. That’s right taking over ownership. That doesn’t mean we have to purchase anything or put a huge capital investment on the table for the owners. What we do have to invest is some time and effort and the pride of ownership.

We walk into work everyday saying “If I owned this place, things would be different.” “I would make so much more money” “I would make sure all the guests were receiving great service.” On and on we go. Well now you can “Own your own restaurant.” At the very least your own section, it’s very easy to do.

Before you leave home, check yourself in the mirror, are you groomed and dressed for success. Is your hair nice and neat, is your uniform pressed and cleaned? If you want to be a success, you must look like one. You do want to look like you own the restaurant right?

Then let’s start from when we first clock in, take pride and responsibility in doing your side work and setting up your station. Make sure that everything you need is ready by the time you get your first table. Do you have all the condiments set up, tea, coffee made? You don’t want to waste time looking or restocking something when you need it in a hurry. Next go to your tables. Are they nice and clean, no crumbs or sticky areas, would you sit at that table? Make sure any condiments you have on the table are stocked and clean. Salt/pepper shakers full, sugar caddie full and clean? The first impression your guest will receive of there dining experience, comes from what they see at the table. A nice neat table will increase your tip average by 1 to 3%.

Do you have the menu memorized? Do you know what is offered with each entree? If not, you need to learn it right away. You should be able to answer all of your guests’ questions. Take time to review and memorize the day’s specials. Just by knowing the menu and being able to recite the specials, shows that you are a bright and knowledgeable server. Yes this can increase your tip average also.

Now your first guest walks in, your happy to see them, you smile at them and greet them by name. You thank them for coming in. You ask them if they are having their regular cocktail or glass of wine if you know it. Never ask what they want to drink, always recommend something, such as glass of our special house wine or margarita perhaps a nice cold ice tea. If you don’t recommend something, they may just tell you water. There is no extra income in serving water. Before you leave, recite the specials to them, let you know you will answer any questions they may have when you return with the drinks. As you go to get their drinks touch them lightly on the shoulder, ensuring them that you will be right back. Get their drinks and bread to them as quickly as possible. Remember your manners when you get back, set the drink down for the ladies first.

Recommend at this time two special appetizers. Would you folks like to start with the shrimp cocktail or the crab cakes? They may not have been thinking of one, but now you gave them two choices, odds are that they will order one. (This again increases your income.) Be sure also that they enjoy the drinks they have.

Now it’s time to order the entrée’s, recite the specials again and answer any questions they may have. Repeat the order to them and suggest a nice wine that would compliment the ordered entrees or offer to freshen up the drinks they have. While waiting for the entrée be sure to check back and let them know that the meal will be ready shortly. Clear off any unneeded dishes at this time also.

Returning with the entree's (you again serve the ladies first), making mention of what a great choice they made (the salmon looks delicious etc.) Ask if there is anything that you may get them at that time. Thank them and tell them to enjoy their meal. Check back on them to be sure everything is to their liking. You should do this in the first two minutes (2 bites equal 2 minutes).

Keep an eye on the table and remove any empty plates as soon as possible. Crumb the table if needed. (Wipe it off if dirty). Return with the desert tray, being sure to never set the tray on the table. Don’t ask if they want desert. Say something similar to, folks let me tell you about our wonderful deserts. Then describe them in a way that makes them irresistible. Ask then if they would like the devilish chocolate cake or the soufflé. Yes you will sell more deserts this way and increase your income. Don’t forget to offer coffee or perhaps a nice cappuccino.

Have the check ready for presentation, but never lay it down until you have written a nice thank and signed your name (you may want to draw something also, but if you’re a male, never draw a smiley face). Clear the desert dishes from the table and offer to refill the after dinner drinks. Then and only then should you present them the check. Thanking them once again for dining with you and what a great pleasure you had in serving them.

When they look at you and say what a great waiter you are and that you should own the place. You can smile and say “I do, I do”.
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