The Secrets to Bigger Tips

Smile and the world smiles with you!

This tip is Basic Serving 101. This involves the use of your facial muscles. Ahh yes you are smiling because you know what I am going to talk about.

Your smile! Your smile can produce and increase your tips probably more than anything else you do for a guest. A smile is a universal expression of joy and happiness and is recognized as such by every culture.

When you smile it releases endorphins that make you feel
better, a person that is smiling or deemed to be feeling good
about themselves creates an effect in others. People that smile
are viewed as being more attractive, pleasant, sociable,
sincere and competent than non smiler.

Try smiling at someone that is in a down mood and chances are
that they will soon also begin to smile or feel better. Your
guest's when they start to smile will also feel the release of
the endorphins putting them into a much better mood and we all
know that guests that are in a great mood tend to tip better.

Hey the experts say that even a fake smile can have the same
effect, and that once you start forcing yourself to smile
eventually it becomes a sincere fun smile. So grab a mirror and
work on that wonderful smile of yours.

It takes less muscles for us to smile than it does to frown, so
if your like me and don't like to work out I find it is much
easier to smile. So build up those facial muscles and increase
your tips.

Smile and the world smiles with you!

Smile, have fun and make ton$!

Put More Cash In Your Pocket!