The Secrets to Bigger Tips

New Guest Complaint?? Professional Waiter Complaint

Here is one for the books. It was a typical busy Saturday night, servers are hustling and working hard. The back of the house is putting out beautiful dinners.
All the guests are happy, no complaints or re-fires. Until.........

I approach a couple that seemed to be having a good time and enjoying their dinner.

So I stopped by to see how they were enjoying the prime rib and salmon. Both just raved about the food. Then the female guest looks at me and said she did have a complaint. I asked her what the problem was, she replied "It's the server". I replied "Yes mam what's the problem and what may I do to correct it".

Now I swear I am not making this up! She looks me in the eye and with all seriousness said "Is he always so professional?" Yes mam he is, he takes pride in his job and likes to give every one the best service possible I reply. To which she responded "He is to professional and I don't like that!" "He did everything perfectly and that's just wrong!" I really thought she was about to blow a gasket.

Well if you know me, I'm never at a loss for words. But she had me standing there with a bewildered look on my face. Finally I was able to sputter out. "Mam I am sorry and I will have a talk with him about that. Please stop in again soon and ask for him and then let me know if he has improved."

I am still somewhat baffled about this and still trying to figure it out. All I can figure is that she could not find any thing else to complain about and that made her upset.

Me, I will still go for the professional waiter any day!
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