The Secrets to Bigger Tips

We serve guests not customers

Whats the difference you ask? The difference is a 20% to 25% tip compared to a 10% to 15% tip.

Let me explain.

A customer is someone who goes into a store or a car lot for example, expecting to be sold something. Now they know that you work on commission but they do not want to pay top dollar for your product, so they are going to resist every effort you make to add on to that sale. They will haggle and shop around for the best deal possible. They will only buy from you when you give them the lowest price possible or throw in a lot of freebies. Now when you do this, your commission is going to be very low and the customer is not going to leave you something a little extra.

Now a guest on the other hand is someone who is looking for and expecting hospitality. They want to experience everything your restaurant and you have to offer. They want outstanding service, food and entertainment. They want the best and they will pay for it. When is the last time you had a guest haggle over the price of your prime rib? Did you have to give them dessert to dine at your restaurant? Of course not. A guest expects to be guided and given suggestions. They come in wanting to spend money, to have a good time, they want your product. So give them great service, make them feel as if they are a valued guest and they will leave you something extra.

So if you treat your guest like a customer your guest is going to treat you like a car salesman and will try to give you the smallest commission they can. Treat them as if they are a guest, they will treat you as a friend and leave you a much nicer tip.