The Secrets to Bigger Tips

Optimize the order! Optimize your tip!

"Would you like fries with that?"

This phrase became a billion dollar question and the majority of the time was answered with a resounding "Yes".

This simple question raised the revenue for many fast food restaurants across the country. But how do we raise our personal revenue and increase our tips by using phrases like this?

By helping our guests indulge themselves. For example we can suggest that the guests share an appetizer or dessert. We can turn 2 or 3 glasses of wine into a bottle of wine.

We can recommend an add on such as sauteed mushrooms or onions to a steak, avocado to a burger. Suggest a scoop of ice cream on that piece of pie.

It is even easy to up sell a guest that wants just water by asking them if they want plain tap water or would they prefer a bottle of ______ (what ever brand you sell).

Don't assume you know their budget or taste! Suggest, suggest, suggest! Optimize the order.

Experiment with different phrases and suggestions with your guests. Compare notes with other waiters/waitresses that you work with and find the phrases and suggestions that work for you.

Describe positive reactions that other guests have had to your recommendations. This will help your guest justify their desire to spoil themselves. We are here to help the guest have an unforgettable dining experience.

You are a professional and your positive selling strategy will win out and will optimize your income.

Have fun and make ton$


Put More Cash In Your Pocket!

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