The Secrets to Bigger Tips

A Simple Thank You

Did you know that a simple and sincere thank you can increase your income?

Your guests want to know that they really are appreciated by you when they tip you.

Be sure to thank them before you drop the check and again when you drop the check. Don't hesitate to thank them again as they are leaving.

They are sure to remember you the next time they come in and odds are they will ask to sit in your section.

When they ask for you thank them again!

Saying thank you with sincerity is a great way to build your regulars and increase your tips.

You can take this a step further by buying some inexpensive Thank You cards and presenting them on occasion to your regulars/favorite guests. It's amazing how such a simple touch will put more money in your pocket.

Have a tiptop day!

Tiptop Waiter

Put More Cash In Your Pocket!

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