The Secrets to Bigger Tips

What skills do I need to be a great waiter!

To be a great waiter or waitress there are some basic skills that are required
for you to earn and increase your tips. If you have these skills you can and will be a great waiter making great tips if you apply these skills.

Confidence - You must have confidence in yourself and have a healthy self esteem.
Confidence is something that is easy to build and develop, it just takes a little time, but you can do it. If you would like to develop more confidence, this site offers great tips, articles and even a free confidence guide.

Positive Mental Attitude - To be a great waiter it is important that you develop and maintain a positive attitude. This is especially important when you are taking your guests order. If you are not smiling or a sour attitude is showing your tips will decrease. Keep a positive mental attitude and watch your tips soar. Here is a site that offers great articles on building a positive mental attitude.

Good communication skills - This goes without saying. If you can not communicate with your guests and fellow employees in a clear concise manner, you will most likely not be a great waiter and your tips will suffer.

Organized thinking - A great waiter will be thinking two steps ahead of themselves. i.e. They know if they need water and cocktails for a table to take both at the same time instead of making two trips.

Good manners - Using the terms 'Thank you', 'Please', and 'You're welcome' indicates good manners. Greet others appropriately even if you know someone well. "Hello or good morning/evening [name]," anything making you appear respectful. If you missed something someone said, or if you need clarification, ask "Could you say that again for me, please?" or "I'm sorry?" " Pardon?" also sounds polite enough. Avoid solely using the words "What?" or "Huh?" as it's often brash and unrefined. I think you get the idea here.

Affable - make yourself easy and pleasant to speak to, be approachable and always gracious.

Efficient - Be productive without wasting time. In the restaurant business there is a simple rule when you are heading to the kitchen. Full hands in, full hands out. Take some dirty dishes back with and then run food back out.

Enjoy working with the public - If you don't like working with the public, this probably is not a job for you.

Thick skinned - Don't take things personally when a guest is upset. They realize that you didn't prepare the meal but you will most often be the one they unload on as you are the one right in front of them. Don't snap back at them or get defensive, find out what it will take to make them happy.

Be a team player - Help your co-workers! If you see they have food or drinks ready to be ran, do it for them, they in turn will do the same for you. The guests will benefit from quicker service and in turn tip more.

Available for any shifts - In this business, we work when others play.

Basic math skills - Important so you don't give to much change back or short change your guests.

Stamina - This is a fast paced business and you must be able to work at a quick pace often for an hour or more at a time. You also must be able to stand and be on your feet for long period of times. Wear comfortable shoes and exercise often to help build your stamina.

If you can meet the requirements above, you are well on your way to becoming a great waiter and a great income.

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